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Image by Collov Home Design

What Does a Real Estate Agent Do For Sellers?

  1. conducts sellers consultation

  2. explain current market conditions

  3. helps to establish seller’s goals

  4. conducts a thorough comparative market analysis

  5. provides accurate pricing

  6. provides & executes purchase & sales agreement

  7. provides & explains sellers disclosure form

  8. explain appraisal process and pitfalls

  9. establish showing instructions

  10. schedule staging consultation

  11. set-up photo & video shoot

  12. provide marketing plan

  13. prepare home for photographer

  14. meet photographer at property

  15. input property listing into the mls

  16. verify listing data on 3rd party websites

  17. create single property website

  18. host multiple open houses

  19. set-up showing & coordinate showings

  20. gather feedback after each showing

  21. present all offers to seller

  22. examine & verify buyer’s qualifications

  23. negotiate all offers

  24. once under contract, send to title company

  25. coordinate inspections with sellers

  26. explain buyer’s inspection objections to sellers

  27. determine seller’s inspection resolution

  28. get all repair agreements in writing

  29. refer trustworthy contractors to sellers

  30. meet appraiser at the property

  31. negotiate any unsatisfactory appraisals

  32. confirm clear-to-close

  33. receive and carefully review closing docs

  34. attend closing

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